conditions treated

ankle fracturemarch fracturetoe fractureachilles tendonitis / tendonosisplantar fasciitisheel pain
phantom limb pain
tennis elbow / epicondylistisgolfers elbowfracturebursitis
adductor strain
arthroplasybursitisosteoarthritisperthes hiptotal hip replacementpartial hip replacementfractured head of femurfractured thigh bone
ACL strain / reconstructionbursitiscollateral ligament sprain (MCL, LCL)hamstrings strainpatellofemoral pain / knee cap painPCL strainshin splintssprain / straintendonitistibio-plateau fractureosteoathritis
compression fracturediscmuscularjoint (facet)postural dysfunctionsciaticaspondilothesis
compression fracturebrachial plexus injuriiesmuscularjoint (facet)posturaldiscthoracic outlet syndrome
muscular painjoint pain (facet) / locked neck / wry neckdiscarthritis / wear and tearwhiplash
neurologybells palsyALSstroke / CVAmultiple sclerosis (MS)muscular dystrophyalzheimer’s diseaseparkinson’s diseasespinal cord injury
All of our therapists have experience treating children and babies. Our clinic has a home like atmosphere which is comfortable for young children.
mal-aligned pelvissymphysis pubis dysfunctionpre / post maternitygroin pain
We provide postural re-education on a one to one basis and in a class setting. Ask our receptionist for one of our leaflets for more information on classes.
fibromyalgiarheumatoid arthritisrheumatismhypermobility syndromepsoriatic arthritisosteroarthritis
muscularrotator cuff injury / tearbursitispostural dysfunction / weakness
painful or clicking jawlocked jawear paindisc derangement
dizziness due to nerve inflammationhead traumameniere’s
athritiscolles fracturecomplex regional pain syndrome (CRSD)repetitive strain injuryscaphoid fracturetrigger finger