Physiotherapy North Vancouver

If injury appears for no apparent reason it is important to assess why it occurred. A review of your work station and daily activities and sports may be necessary to ensure joints and muscles are not stressed unnecessarily. Advice and instruction can be given on desk setup, lifting and other manual handling techniques, as well as sleeping positions and ways to improve activities of daily living, sports and hobbies.
Exercise therapy may be prescribed for mobilizing the joints, strengthening the muscles or providing support through stability exercises and core work. Certain movement patterns or postural exercise may also need to be prescribed to correct poor movement habits or compensations due to the pain.
All of our physiotherapists have trained in advanced manual therapy techniques, which means we are qualified in gentle mobilization techniques to correct the alignment of your joints. Although we have all trained to carry out manipulation, which is a high thrust technique, we generally choose the more gentle form of mobilization.
Massage can be used for a variety of reasons, such as relaxation, release of muscle tension, to increase circulation to an area or deceasing swelling. Sometimes it is also necessary to do a specific massage technique to a certain muscle group or ligament to help prevent scarring and assist the tissue to heal in the correct alignment.
This is a gentle technique which works on the principle of hold relax whereby after a muscle contraction occurs there tends to be a period of relaxation. This technique can be used to relax certain muscle groups or help regain correct joint alignment.
Myofascial Release is an effective hands-on technique that involves applying slow, sustained pressure into the body's connective tissue restrictions in order to eliminate pain, break down scar tissue, and restore fluid motion. Injury, inflammation, and surgical procedures can create myofascial restrictions that produce tensile pressures of up to 2,000 pounds per square inch on pain sensitive structures, however do not show up in many of the standard tests (x-rays, CAT scans, MRI, etc.). Myofascial Release techniques focus on relaxing and elongating the body's deep tissue, providing lasting and effective relief from symptoms.
A healthy nerve needs to be able to glide freely through a muscle bed. Sometimes it can get stuck. This can be released by taking the nerve into a very gentle stretch and mobilizing the muscle around it.
Trigger points can become active with injury causing a localized tension point and pain which radiates to another part of the body. A gentle pressure applied in the correct manner can help alleviate the pain.